Building an organic brand "Land Flavours"
Nomenclature progression
Why the name Land Flavours?
Land Flavours is on a mission where no chemicals & pesticides in the food is the fundamental of eating clean. It is not only good for us but also for our environment by reducing the carbon footprints. How good it would be to live in a time where humans could coexist with mother nature! Where birds could fly freely and spread their wings. So we tried to keep the name pretty simple and more connected to the mother nature.

Land Flavours is a group of young Farmers who strive to go back to the early era, where the food was sans any chemicals, that desire an environment which imbibes clean and healthy eating habits. Land Flavours truly believe that small change in our habits can bring society one more step closer to our nature.

Logo variations

A logo that defines healthy lifestyle
Inline with the Land Flavours mission to lead the idea of introducing clean and healthy eating as a part of our lifestyle, We created an identity which relates and feels connected with the name “Land Flavours” and it’s product. We chose to design a minimalistic logo that is equally impactful. The circular structure defines lifestyle, which feels complete by consuming healthy and organic products.

Package design

Land Flavours wished to position their all tea products together which can deliver a message of healthy lifestyle. The primary challenge was, they have five different blends which has ultimate taste enhancer and brewed according to the mood. By considering all these factors we chose to give product name which will depict what consumer would attain on consumption and hence, customer can choose the perfect blend as per their need.
We created designs with fewer elements & treatments to make packaging visually appealing and consumer friendly. All these design are projected in a way that they can be easily distinguished for each categories.